Plant Healthcare
A Cut Above The Rest

Plant Healthcare & Maintenance
Yes, even your plants deserve consistent healthcare and a maintenance plan. Many landscapes start out with beautiful plants, trees, shrubs, and more. Sadly, some are installed and then never tended to correctly, leading to their demise — but not on our watch!
Precision Lawn Care has certified horticulturalists on staff who are able to identify potential issues with plants, trees, and more. They can also create recommended maintenance and fertilization schedules, proper watering instructions, and treatments (yes, plants need treatments, too).
With these preventative maintenance checks and proper checkups, your yard will look beautiful for years to come. There is nothing worse than spending a bunch of money on some beautiful-looking plants and finding them dead a week or two after you've planted them. This is how you prevent it!

Tree Maintenance
Tree health is a big concern for everyone these days. The emerald ash borer has been invading ash trees throughout the Midwest for a few years now. Mike Stoffers has successfully treated and saved many trees, right here in the Wabash Valley. It’s not a tree death sentence after all.
The emerald ash borer is a major concern for trees. There are many aspects to tree healthcare, with fungi, insects, and more. We won’t get into the gross stuff, but if you have a lot of trees or a favorite one on your property, then show it some love and give us a call.